Write and Say these 3 things to Attain Money in 3 Days.

Welcome, welcome!

I assure you that this is the most important and life changing site you’ll visit today. You’ll want to visit here often when you find out exactly what we create here together and how it will change your life in the way that you want it to grow and become!

Are you excited?

I am!

But this is mostly about you.

To present the concept of this site, I’ll need to introduce myself and then explain the site and how you’ll use it.

First, me. My name is Ter Scott! (The exclamation point is purposely there in my name because I live life with an exclamation point!). Known on the Internet (as many things; some of which I can’t tell you. Just kidding) and worldwide as The Life & Legacy Coach™ I present options and alternatives to how people live to the way they want to live.

Now in presenting this site to you and others, this site is all about manifesting exactly what you want in life and how you want your life to be. Manifesting is nothing more than desiring something and then have it happen in your life. You’ve been manifesting everything up to this point in your life and I’ll just share on this site how you can master it and control it.  

For instance, imagine where you “are” this moment; physically. You are sitting at your computer or smartphone reading this. What did you do just several minutes, hours or when you got up this morning to bring you to this very point of time to be doing this? Consciously or unconsciously you “manifested” it. I’ll present more about this as we spend more time together but for now, simply know that everything that you do, be and have is the result of manifesting.

To help you to control and master what it is that you manifest this site offers you the practical process of writing, saying (for a set duration of time) affirmations and declarations which will permeate your subconscious, give seed to thoughts, which in turn become your reality.

As this site grows, you’ll have many sets of 3 affirmations which you can choose however I as the author will submit and publish something usually every three days so you can regularly have something “new” to work with. We’ll also deal with the 8 Major areas everyone seeks in life; which I have named “The Major 8” and use in my private consultations and public talks. I strongly suggest that you work with all of the areas of the Major 8 as they are presented here even when you feel that the area does not apply to you and your situation because for one thing (there are many), all areas are intertwined with each other and when you learn from one area another area (of which you feel DOES apply to you and your situation) is strengthened.

Every post will offer 3 affirmations of which you are to (physically) write (do not type in a Word document) say (out loud) and do this for 3 days. After 3 days, write your comments here after the specific post (to confirm and solidify your commitment and declaration and) to help others.

Now are you excited?

Are you ready to start your journey?

Great! Today’s 3 affirmations come from the “Good Book”; the Bible. This is timeless wisdom passed down the ages and will work for you. Today’s theme has to do with MONEY. Write all three on a 3 x 5 card (or piece of paper), carry with you for 3 days and place hash marks on the card (or paper) each of the 3 times per day that you recite these three wisdom declarations.

(These affirmations have been altered slightly to “improve” and personalize each):

My God shall supply all my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Wisdom and knowledge is granted to me; and I am given riches, wealth, and honor, such as none of the kings have had that ever been before me, or ever will after me.

The blessing of the Lord makes me rich; with joy!   

Let us know what you think of our site as it grows. Let us know about your progress. Also, let us know about Major 8 themes for affirmations and declarations that you would like us to provide.

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott!

The Life & Legacy Coach ™ 
