Lesson about Facing Fears Tucked Inside a YouTube Video

Mark Yarnell is no longer with us on this side of eternity but his legacy of education lives on; in my life and in that of many, many others. Today I’m going to speak about “fear” and a three sentence mantra which you can use to get rid of any you may have or to at least keep it in check and I’m going to do it through the aid of a YouTube video.

In this video Mark is speaking with an Internet Marketing Guru, Eric Worre about; well, Internet Marketing. Many of my readers right now have quit reading because they have a bias against the Network Marketing profession; and that’s OK. But guess what? I’m not talking about Network Marketing here. And those who just left, God bless ‘em but its actions like that which will keep them broke. Now for the rest of you here’s the “gold” in the wisdom you’ll get by staying here. 

Wisdom is all around us... 

Wisdom is dispensed all around us, just as opportunity is and some miss it continually (because it is disguised in conversations on YouTube about Network Marketing; and a ton of other subjects, videos, conversations, etc.).

So anyway, I was watching this interview this morning, not for the Internet Marketing information but because I know of the reputation of Mark (and Eric) but I knew there were things I could apply to sales in general. And this is where I found one very good way to conquer fear! It was hidden inside this 45 minute video!

Now if you can’t admit that you have at least a small amount of “fear” (or call it what you want) when you meet an attractive person and want to start a conversation, pick up the phone and call a prospect, ask for a raise or any number of “fearful” situations, and you are totally “fearless” at all times, well now you can leave if you want to. However, if you could use a little help in dealing with this, here is help.

Below is the video that I watched. Nope, you don’t have to watch the entire video. I will share the timeline to start and stop which is the section of the talk where Mark speaks of isolating your fear, facing it, and the overcoming it.

Start the video and move the timeline to 35.50 and watch it until about 37.12. It’s in this section where he speaks that as we conquer our #1 “fear” that all the ancillary fears go away; it’s powerful!

So here is your "3 for 3 power phrase" for your next 3 days: 

I isolate my challenges, I face them, and I conquer them!

It’s a simple, 3 prong, one sentence affirmation which you can easily remember and use from here out. (And note, the word "fear" is not in this affirmation). 

And please do not turn off your “radar” when people are talking or sharing. You, just like I did, might learn something which could be beneficial in our life.

Be aware.
Do well.
Do good.

Ter Scott!

Life & Legacy Coach™ 


Christian Lane, London, United Kingdom
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