Is your past "Incomplete"?

Today I’ll speak about completing projects and then leave you with your “Write and Say for 3 to Be Free” affirmations. Also, if this is your first visit here, I suggest that you take just a moment to learn what this site is all about so you’ll get the maximum potential from what I’m sharing here on a regular basis. CLICK HERE. (You’ll see the instructions on how to get the most from these “affirmation assignments” in this introductory article). 

I’m careful not to point fingers when sharing these articles; especially with today’s because I fully know that when I’m pointing (my index) finger at someone else, I have three others pointing at myself. (Try pointing at something and look at your hand; you’ll see what I mean). And mom said it’s not polite to point anyway.

Today’s message is meaningful to me as I can pan my environment from my vantage point of typing this and see areas of projects that are not completed and “clutter” that I need to remove to make room for bigger and better things in my life. And because “one cannot lead someone from a place they’ve not been themselves, I created this site to help me improve to be able to help others improve. This is the long way of saying that today’s lesson is also for “yours truly” so if you want to join me in becoming better at finishing what you start, here are 3 affirmations you can use. (You may also enjoy the wisdom of the Cosmos’ word on this here). 

When you complete your projects, and your obligations in all areas of your life, your present will be freed up to pursue the future that you desire. By incorporating today’s affirmations in your life, you’ll find that you do not accept “assignments” or “opportunities” which you will not complete. No longer say that you will “try” to be somewhere; simply say “I won’t” make it but perhaps in the future. You are in control (or should be) in what “goes on your plate”.

Today’s first affirmation:
When you say “yes” to something, you are giving your word and that word is that you will complete it, whether it’s a project or a repayment of a bill or favor. People may not like it when you say “no” but they will respect you when you are a man or woman of your word!

Today’s second affirmation:
How would you like to be less stressed about your deadline and less worried about completing things on time? This is a little trick (I think I came up with on my own and have shared it) is to set your deadline date earlier than the actual deadline date by a day or week; you decide. It’s such a great feeling to come to an actual deadline and simply produce the project that you’ve had completed a day or week prior. And when a few snags, which invariably happen, happen, you’ll have a built in “cushion” of time to complete things. The result less stress and you and others are happy!

Today’s third affirmation:
I present these affirmations for you to write them down, state them 3 times a day for 3 days but you can even take this further. I usually don’t tell you how, because much of learning is not what is presented by the teacher but what the student takes on him or herself for “extra credit”. 

However, with today’s third affirmation, you may see that this is a complete system for getting things completed. (I borrowed this from Jack Canfield, the Chicken Soup books guy). When you “memorize” this system, it will always be with you and you can refer to it as easily as remembering your vowels, “a, e, i, o, u; and sometimes y”.

Here are today’s “Write and Say for 3 to Be Free” affirmations. If you find that this article has been worthwhile for you, place your comments below. If you think this site is worthy of sharing, please do so using the social media buttons.

I say “yes” to projects I know that I will complete.

I finish projects before the deadline.

I decide, plan, start, continue, finish and complete every project that I start.

Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!
The Life & Legacy Coach ™

Invite Ter Scott! to speak. INQUIRE HERE. 

PS. Here's one guy's way to conquer procrastination and move forward
